Free Online SIE Practice Test

We offer you the best in SIE exam preparation resources – completely free. Our free online SIE practice test and study guide will help you pass the Securities Industry Essential exam. Our expertly designed SIE study guide covers all the topics mentioned in FINRAs content outline. Start you SIE exam prep today!

SIE Exam Study Guide

Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) is an introductory-level exam conducted by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) that assesses a candidate’s basic securities industry information knowledge. The SIE exam contains 75 multiple-choice questions from four sections, i.e., Knowledge of Capital Markets, Products and Their Risks, Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities, and Overview of Regulatory Framework.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the SIE exam?

Securities Industry Essential (SIE) is an introductory-level exam conducted by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to assess a basic understanding of the securities market. It’s an essential exam for candidates seeking a career in the securities industry.

How many questions are in the SIE exam?

The SIE exam consists of 85 questions, of which 75 will be counted in the final score. The 10 unscored questions are scattered randomly throughout the exam.

What is the passing score for the SIE exam?

You get 1 hour and 45 minutes to answer all 75 questions; a minimum score of 70% is required to pass the securities industry essential exam.

How long to study for SIE exam?

It depends upon upon many factors. People from financial backgrounds require fewer preparation hours to pass the SIE exam than those from non-financial backgrounds. However, an average of 55-60 hours of preparation is good enough to pass the SIE exam.

How many times can you retake the SIE exam?

You can retake the SIE exam as many times as needed. However, after the first and second failed attempts, a 30-day waiting period is required. After the third failed attempt, a 180-day waiting period is enforced. For any attempts beyond the third, a 180-day waiting period applies between each exam attempt.

How hard is the SIE exam?

Securities Industry Essential is a challenging exam. Passing the SIE exam requires 55 to 60 hours of preparation and practice for candidates from non-financial backgrounds. Approximately a quarter of first-time SIE exam takers do not pass the exam.

How much does the SIE exam cost?

The cost of the FINRA SIE exam is $80, and its certification is valid for four years from the date of passing the exam.